Counselling in Canary Wharf

Initial Consultations

Initial consultations are usually made up of two to four face-to-face or online meetings, which are 50 minutes long. During the initial consultations, we will explore your difficulties and decide on the best treatment option. You will have a chance to get to know me and to ask questions, without commitment to commence therapy. Initial consultations are for us to decide whether both of us feel comfortable/are fit to work together. I work to the best of my ability but should I feel that the difficulties that you struggle with may exceed my competencies, I will aim to support you with finding suitable help. If we decide to work together, I will offer you a regular therapy slot. Prior to your fitrst consultation, I will email you a therapeutic agreement that I will ask you to sign and send back to me before our first appointment.

Short Term Counselling

Time-limited counselling is a brief alternative to open-ended sessions. It is an intervention that usually covers up to 12 sessions with focus on a specific problem. When exploring your difficulties we will pay attention to your underlying thoughts and feelings in order to understand how they contribute to your current difficulties. Together we will think of alternative ways of dealing with your emotions and challenge your beliefs that impede change. I may be able to work with you beyond the agreed time period should we both feel that you may benefit from further sessions.

Open-ended Therapy

Open-ended psychotherapy will provide you with regular space to explore your feelings and better understand your emotions. This approach is particularly helpful for long-standing difficulties. The duration depends on the nature of your difficulties and the goals that you want to achieve. It often takes at least several months and someven several years for change to occur on a deep level.

Sessions are arranged at regular times, on a weekly basis. Please feel free to contact me if you would like to arrange an initial consultation.


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